St. Anthony Mary Claret Chapel

686 Scenic Gulf Drive

Miramar Beach, FL  32550

(850) 842-2406

Sunday Mass:  9:00 AM


March 15, 2025


The standard Sunday Mass time is as follows:

  • 8:00 am Confessions
  • 8:30 am Rosary
  • 9:00 am High Mass

First Friday Devotions: To aid the faithful complete the First Nine Fridays Devotion to the Sacred Heart, the chapel offers Confession prior to Friday Mass when available.

First Saturday Devotions: To aid the faithful complete the First Five Saturdays Devotion to the Immaculate Heart, the chapel offers Holy Hour with Benediction, Confession and Rosary prior to morning Mass.

First Saturday Service: Ora et Labora chapel work days occur after morning Mass the first Saturday of every month. All helping hands are welcome as there is much in and around the chapel grounds to upkeep.

First Sunday Breakfast Fundraiser: Proceeds from the Altar & Rosary Society Breakfast Fundraiser go towards the beautification of our chapel. If you plan on joining us, please be seated with your family. Tables will be called for the buffet.

Second Sunday Meeting: The Holy Name Society meets after Mass the second Sunday of every month. Gentlemen, please consider joining and supporting St Anthony Mary Claret Chapel in this venue. There are many current and future projects for the chapel that require a diverse set of skills and expertise. Please contact Mr. Corey Harned at for additional information. Visitors are welcome—come see what we’re all about!

Forth Sunday Meeting: The Altar & Rosary Society meets after Mass the fourth Sunday of every month. Ladies, please consider joining and supporting St Anthony Mary Claret Chapel in this venue. The priests and the church need us! Women have a special place in the Church and offer an equally important unique set of talents and services but different than the men’s group. Please contact Mrs. Teresa Hanson at for additional information. Visitors are welcome—come see what we’re all about!


Children’s Catechism Announcements – Catechism Classes have already started. Please see Mrs. Emily Van Horn to ensure your child is registered.  There will be a class to prepare for First Communion and one for Confirmation.

Sick Calls
The priest visits the sick and brings them the blessings and sacraments of the Church. Please contact the priest if you wish him to visit a member of your family or a friend.

The Schola and Choir are always open to receiving new members. If you are an interested gentleman or lady, feel free to contact Mr. Kelvin or Mrs. Annie Sandigo at for details of requirements and expectations.

Altar Servers
The latest server schedule is here (Google Sheets). Consider serving the Masses. Servers are much needed. Please contact Mr. Michael Denke at

The Guild of St. Stephen: While all boys and men are welcome and encouraged to learn to serve Mass, the Guild is intended for those who wish to excel in assisting at Mass and in their personal sanctity. Higher standards in regards to decorm, behavior and piety will be expected for Guild members however they will also receive greater responsibility, accolades and have access to unique plenary indulgences only granted to Guild members. All servers and prospective servers interested in joining the Guild of St. Stephen please contact Mr. Michael Denke at with any questions.


St. Anthony Mary Claret Chapel
The Grimaldi Building – 686 Scenic Gulf Drive – Miramar Beach, FL 32550
(850) 842-2406 |

Coordinator: Kevin Kelly

Bursar:  David Carbonetta

Holy Name Society President: Corey Harned

Altar & Rosary Society President: Teresa Hanson

Fundraiser for Altar Flowers – We are pleased to offer two more ways you can help fund the flowers for Mass.

  1. Farm fresh eggs will be for sale when available @ $5.00/dozen.
  2. Altar flower arrangements are available for a donation and can be picked up after the last Mass offered each week.

Subscribe to the weekly St. Thomas More Newsletter:


You wish to donate to Saint Anthony Mary Claret Chapel?

Tithes and donations: Please make checks payable to St. Anthony Mary Claret Chapel or SSPX. Donations can be mailed to 686 Scenic Gulf Drive, Miramar Beach, FL 32550, or sent through our Paypal and Square accounts. You may specify the intentions of your payments: Building fund | Tithe | Special collection. Thank you.

The second collection is normally collected for the St. Anthony Mary Claret Building Fund, except for the first Sunday of the month which is collected for the St. Thomas More Priory.

About your will? Please consider remembering St. Anthony Mary Claret Chapel in your will. You, your loved ones, and your intentions would always be remembered in prayers and Masses.

Are your last wishes going to be honored? Consider these questions:
In what church will your funeral take place? What will be the liturgy?
Who will make the correct moral decisions for you if you not be able to do so? Did you wish to bequeath to your church?

Do not leave your final arrangements to strangers!
Make a Last Will, appoint an Attorney and make your final desires known!
If you have specific questions, please contact your church or priest.


All parishioners are asked to offer the “St Francis de Sales’ prayer to St. Joseph” after the “To Thee O Blessed Joseph” prayer at the end of their daily family rosary & also at the rosary before Mass for his much-needed intercession in successfully starting & completing our Florida building projects for both the priory & the missions.

Prayer to St Joseph by St. Francis de Sales

O Glorious St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary, grant us, we beseech thee, thy paternal protection, through the Heart of Jesus Christ. O Thou whose infinite power reaches out to all our needs, rendering possible for us that which is impossible, look upon the concerns of thy children with fatherly countenance. In the troubles and sorrows that afflict us, we have confident recourse to thee. Deign to take under thy loving protection this important and difficult endeavor, the cause of our worries, and dispose its success to the glory of God and to the benefit of His faithful servants. Amen.


Please pray for all of our sick and homebound, especially: Fr. Gregory Post, Fr. Greig Gonzales, Fran Penn, Joanna Burns, Louis Boudousquié, Veronica Evans and Irene Haliday.


Please pray for the eternal repose of the souls of  Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara, Barbara Grimaldi, Rod Frantz, Carlos Alberto Sandigo, Doña Martha Flores, Martin Paul Hanson, Joe Eichhorn, Margie Zeeb, Raymond Settimo, Gabrielle Shiltz, James Bailey, Nancy Bailey, Julia Stillwell, Robert Van Horn, Dolly Anna Stafford, Phyllis Chetakian, Vernique Michalene Taylor, Charlotte Rose Harned, Anton Wolf, Michael Burns, His Excellency Bishop Tissier de Mallerais and Harry Victor Penn.

Sanctuary Lamp Dedication

Please contact us if you are interested in lighting the Sanctuary Lamp for a special intention.
(850) 842-2406 |