Our Lady of the Angels

1100 W. Duarte Road

Arcadia, CA  91007

(626) 447-1752

Sunday Mass: 7:30 & 10:00 AM


What if this is my first time in an SSPX chapel? Should I be worried about what I'm wearing?

Can I receive Communion? Do I have to kneel for communion and receive communion on the tongue? Should I say 'Amen' after having received communion?

Are you different from our Catholic churches? What should I expect? What if I am confused?

What are sacraments? Which ones do you offer here? Whom do I contact?

What specifically is different about your Mass? Is it the same as other Catholic churches?

Why do you say Mass in Latin? Why not in the vernacular?

Why do you face the altar? Why not the people?

But I am lost when I come to Mass here. Can you give any advice?

Will I be welcome as a guest?